, pub-3090506380302328, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Prayer Requests: Prayer Requests

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Prayer Requests

Please make your prayer requests, by clicking here to send an e-mail, and making your request. Your prayer request will then be posted here on this page as soon as possible. You may also add any prayer requests to PrayerCast, available on the Virtual Rosary website. Click the title, Prayer Requests above to have your prayer request added there.


  1. Today, a young woman and a passenger in her car were killed in a car accident just 100 yards past my home. Please pray for the repose of their souls, and the comforting of their families.

  2. Steve
    so very sad, will do, the poor parents and heart goes out to them..

    Peace of Christ to ALL

  3. Mary Ball, a lady whom I work with, was taken to the hospital this morning after suffering a heart attack. She is in the ICU in serious condition. Please keep Mary in your prayers, especially as she is a widow with no children.
