, pub-3090506380302328, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Prayer Requests: Prayer Request for Sick Dogs

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Prayer Request for Sick Dogs

Please pray for my dogs Bessie who has cancer and may have to be put down soon. Also pray for my dog Bailey who is depressed, unable to walk, and her veternarian says she may have a brain tumor.


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Heavenly Father,
Please help us in our time of need,
You have made us stewards of Bailey and Bessie.
If it is Your will, please restore them
to health and strength.
I pray too for other animals in need.
May they be treated with the care and respect
deserving of all Your creation.
Blessed are You Lord God,
and holy is Your name for ever and ever.

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 God Our Heavenly Father,
You created the world
to serve humanity's needs
and to lead them to You.
By our own fault
we have lost the beautiful relationship
which we once had with all your creation.
Help us to see
that by restoring our relationship with You
we will also restore it
with all Your creation.
Give us the grace
to see all animals as gifts from You
and to treat them with respect
for they are Your creation.

We pray for all animals
who are suffering as a result of our neglect.
May the order You originally established
be once again restored to the whole world
through the intercession of the Glorious Virgin Mary,
the prayers of Saint Francis
and the merits of Your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Who lives and reigns with You
now and forever. Amen.
by St. Francis of Assisi

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