, pub-3090506380302328, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Prayer Requests: Personal Prayer Request

Monday, November 21, 2011

Personal Prayer Request

The current economic times are tough. As if that's something we didn't all know already.  

It has especially hit home with me recently, as my hours at work are a long way from being full time now. I barely get 32-33 hours a week at my job, and my pay rate is not as much as it was.

I know that this is a dilemma being faced by many families and individuals around the country and around the world. I have cut back expenses everywhere I can, and don't know where else I can cut back. It's a good thing my internet is free... thanks to my landlady allowing me wireless access to her internet connection. That's all that allows me to continue these blogs.

So I am asking for your prayers for myself, and for the economic difficulties faced by so many others in these difficult times.

Thank you in advance.

May God Bless you and Our Lady keep you in her care!

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Prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague

O Child Jesus, I have recourse to You thru Your Holy Mother; I implore You to assist me in this necessity, for I firmly believe that Your Divinity can assist me. I confidently hope to obtain Your holy grace. I love You with my whole heart and soul. I am heartily sorry for my sins, and entreat You, O good Jesus, to give me strength to overcome them. I am firmly resolved never to offend You again and to suffer everything rather than displease You. Henceforth, I wish to serve You faithfully. For love of You, O divine Child, I will love my neighbor as myself. O Jesus, omnipotent Child, I beg You again to come to my assistance in this necessity. I ask You to come to our aid in these times of economic difficulty. 

Grant me the grace of possessing You eternally with Mary and Joseph, and of adoring You with Your Holy Angels and Saints. Amen.

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